There is a lot to know about our school system here in British Columbia. As a way to learn more about it, I decided to get involved with our local union branch. I was specifically interested in being the TTOC Chairperson. This year, three TOC’s nominated themselves, including myself, for this position; something that has never happened before. The president of the union advised us that it would be more beneficial to only have one chairperson and a co-chair. With this guidance, the third person could run for the secretary position or professional communications (PC). Immediately I focused on PC. Being secretary seemed like something someone with more union experience should do. Of the three of us, who met at Starbucks one Saturday, it was mutually agreed upon, that I would run for PC.
At our union AGM, I nominated myself to the PC chair and was accepted. I have three areas to focus on with regards to this position. Monthly newsletter, website, and social media (Facebook and Twitter).
I met with one of the two current PC chairpersons last week to officially pass the responsibility over.
The first thing I read were 4 months of past newsletters, and our provincial collective agreement. I learned a lot about our profession and the relationship we have with the Government of BC. The collective agreement is long, but well worth the read.
I believe that this is a document that should be reviewed in University Teaching programs. It is sad just how much the Teaching program that I took taught me anything about teaching. It reminds me of a great Japanese proverb, “better than one thousand days of diligent study, is one day with a great teacher”. I am starting to wander here, so I better end it. Until my next post.